Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Better Late than Never…10 Months!!

I seriously contemplated waiting on this post and just combining the 10 month and 11 month updates together but I finally have a little free time so I figured I'd go ahead and do it.  This has been a busy month with Halloween, work, and now Thanksgiving!  The girls have grown so much since their 9 month update…both physically and developmentally.  They have started pulling up on everything and we have even more teeth now.
Josh and I are amazed at these two every day.  When I see my girls playing and laughing I can't help but think about one of my favorite Bible verses, "For this child I prayed, and the Lord has granted me my petition that I made to him." 1 Samuel 1:27  I am so thankful that the Lord has entrusted Josh and I to be the parents of these two little angels…we are truly blessed.

Audrey Claire:

Pacifier, pacifier, and did I mention you like your pacifier?  It is your favorite thing in the world!  In fact you have not one but two wubanub pacifiers that you can't live without.  We have two of them because you need to have one while we wash the other or else you will throw a fit!  You of course love to eat…your new favorite baby food is Beef and Veggies.  You love books and every toy is your favorite.  Another one of your new found loves is our Christmas tree.  We put it up early and you and your sister stare at it every time we eat…trying to keep you two out of it has been quite a challenge.

We found out that quinoa is on a short list of things you absolutely hate to eat.  In fact, you hated quinoa so much that you wouldn't even eat anything else after tasting it…I guess it left a strange taste in your mouth.  

Claire Bear, you my dear are such a love bug.  You love to cuddle and you love kisses…eskimo kisses are your absolute favorite.  You laugh every time I put my nose up to yours.  You are learning new things every day.  You can now pull up and you are trying to walk.  I'm sure next month you and your sis will have me running after y'all.  You have your bottom two teeth now.  You haven't been the happiest baby for the last few weeks because of those little teeth coming in but they finally came through and you are finally getting back to your normal silly self.  You weighed in this month at 20 lbs. and you are 29 in. long.  You have a new car seat coming your way for Christmas.  I can't believe my little 3.0 lb. baby is too big for her infant carrier already!  You are such a blessing to your daddy and me.  We love you so much Audrey Claire.

Abby Grace:

You like to be held…all the time!  This is a challenge because I can't possibly hold you all day long.  I'm hoping your dependency on being held will go away on it's own.  You also LOVE quinoa.  You ate an entire container of quinoa for dinner and you literally were trying to grab the spoon from my hand to put it in your mouth…I guess mama isn't fast enough.  You love your books and you are particularly fond of your new vanity toy.  You and your sister would sit in front of it and play with the comb, lipstick, and puff all day long if I let you.  You also love your paci.  Mama isn't looking forward to the day we have to give them up.  I might go crawl under a rock and hide at that point.  

You hate it when I leave the room.  You literally throw the biggest fit and you will crawl after me…you are definitely a mama's girl. 

Sweet girl, you are a fire ball!  You are so determined and independent.  You can do anything you set your mind to.  You are cruising around the nursery like a pro.  We have done some new baby proofing to accommodate your adventurous self.  You absolutely love to look out of the window…all day long.  You have a new top tooth and a new bottom tooth.  You now have 4 teeth all together.  You can stand up on your own without holding on to anything.  You are such a big girl.  You weigh 19 lbs. and are just shy of 29 in. tall.  You started saying "Dada" and "Nana" this month.  Your daddy and Nana couldn't be more proud.  We love you so much sweet pea!

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above…James 1:17

Saturday, October 18, 2014

9 Months Already

Today we went in for our 9 month check-up…I'm still in disbelief that the girls will be turning one in less than three months.  It is so crazy how time flies.  It seems like just yesterday we were at the hospital…how can it already be October?

Happy Fall Y'all!!

A lot has happened in the past month!  The girls are getting into everything now…Abigail is a master at crawling...everywhere…and I mean everywhere!!  And Audrey is right behind her.  Baby proofing has been a big thing this month.  We have officially baby proofed the entire house…now I'm still a nervous wreck because of the hard wood floors but I know that God is going to see us through!!
The girls now jabber back and forth to one another and everyone we meet in their own language.  It is so cute…I love watching them interact.  They are learning new skills everyday.  We started feeding ourselves and we are trying to master the sippy cup, as of right now we hold the sippy cup and then throw it at each other or at the dogs.  Things are getting fun around here!!

Abigail Grace:

You love anything that you can stick in your mouth!  Bows, toys, spoons, etc., they all go in the mouth!  You love puffs…the little cereal crisps made for babies.  You also love to eat yogurt drops.  You still love to laugh at the dogs when they play.  And the newest like this month is crawling.
You hate to be away from me for very long…you are a mama's girl and I love it!  

You are on the move this month!  You've about given me a heart attack more times than I can count  because you are into EVERYTHING!  You are so funny!  As soon as I put you down in the nursery you make a mad dash for the door…you love to crawl!!  You are now more aware of your sister and you both are constantly bugging each other…taking each others toys, pacifiers, etc.  You always make me smile.  I love to listen to you giggle.  You still think everything is funny and you are my shadow…if I leave the room you think you need to go with me!  I love you more than words can express!  

You LOVE your paci…and your sister's paci!!  It is going to be a difficult day when we have to put the pacifiers away.  You also love your sister!  You are constantly looking at her and watching her every move.  You also love to watch the dogs play.  You love books!  And you love it when I sing to you…especially the song…"All aboard the Choo-choo train."  

You dislike getting your face wiped off after meals.  You hate prunes and peas still.  And you still don't like to do tummy time unless you are the one that initiates it.  

You are the funniest little girl!  You always have a big grin on your face and it has to be my most favorite of all of your expressions.  You are truly the sweetest little girl!  This month you have started to find your own independence.  You like to do things yourself without any help…like feeding yourself…it makes for an interesting clean up for sure!  You and your sister are quite a pair…you girls are always laughing.  I am so lucky to be your mama!!  

We love you to the moon and back!!  Everyday we thank God for blessing us with the greatest gifts on Earth…our girls!!

Saturday, September 20, 2014

8 Months Young

This month has been SO MUCH FUN!  The girls are learning new things every day and I couldn't be more excited about what the future holds.  With each day that passes I am reminded how blessed I am to spend my days with these two sweet girls and it seems like time just flies!  

What's New?
Play time has become very interactive with these two.  They love to sit on the floor in the nursery and play with their toys.  They have figured out how to turn the pages of their books…their favorite one (I think) is The Very Hungry Caterpillar.  They love to "help" me read the books by poking at the holes in the book and trying to grab at the different pictures that they see.  Toy envy is still an issue this month and I am continuing to try and teach both girls that they can share…although most toys we have two of so it's really a "she has it and I want it" thing.  Let's be honest, it's mostly Abigail that likes to take Audrey's toys right out of her hand.  Thankfully Audrey isn't phased by Abby's attempts to swipe her toys…most of the time Audrey is quick to find something else to pick up and play with.  The girls are now experts at walking around in their cars…they go forward, backward, and side to side.  We have moved the coffee table out of the living room now so that these two can have plenty of room to roam.  Occasionally we have a traffic jam that either myself, Josh, or nana has to fix but other than that the girls will walk around having so much fun.  

Another new development...Abby is developing her crawling skills.  She can scoot, roll, and rock her way to just about anywhere she wants to go.  She is sure to be crawling very soon.  
Time to baby proof the house!!

I was so excited for fall because that meant I got to buy new clothes for the girls!  I can't believe that they are wearing 9 month clothes and some 12 month stuff.  
They are growing girls…and well dressed I might add.

We went to the zoo for the 3rd time this month.  We always have so much fun and this time the girls actually watched the animals.  It was fun to watch them look at the elephants and giraffes…after the giraffe exhibit they fell asleep and Josh and I got to enjoy a date day with sleeping babes.  It was great!  And we only had 2 people ask if we had twins…that's a record considering usually everyone we encounter asks about them.  I think twins are born local celebrities!

Abigail Grace:

Your Favorites:
Your lamb wubanub, your tub of blocks, tummy time, scooting and rolling around, your elephant, your toy phone, and keys.  Taking pictures!  Going for walks around the neighborhood.  You love to eat baby food…squash by far is still your favorite and of course good ole' stinky chicken…(chicken and veggies.)

Your Not-So-Favorites:
Peas are still on the short list of foods you do not care for.  Not getting a nap…you love to sleep.  

My sweet little girl, you are getting so big.  You are constantly learning new things and it amazes me!  I love when you give me sugars.  Your laugh is absolutely contagious.  You really are such a sweet heart and you are so happy all the time.  Every day you remind me with your sweet smile how lucky I am to be your mama.  I love you so much! 

Audrey Claire: 

Your Likes:  
Your wubanubs…both of them, your toes, cheetos, your bottle, playing with your sister, and loving on Daisy and Dixie.  Baths, blocks, and your toy phone.  You love wiggling to music and you love veggie chicken and squash baby food.  

Your Dislikes:
Being in your carseat for too long, 
peas, and tummy time.

You are the sweetest little thing!  You are full of laughs and you have tons of personality.  You love it when daddy and I give you sugars.  Everything is so funny…I love it.  You are truly a gift from God and your daddy and I are so blessed to call your our daughter.  We love you so much baby girl!

Happy 8 Months Sweet Loves!!  Mommy and Daddy love you!!