Saturday, October 18, 2014

9 Months Already

Today we went in for our 9 month check-up…I'm still in disbelief that the girls will be turning one in less than three months.  It is so crazy how time flies.  It seems like just yesterday we were at the hospital…how can it already be October?

Happy Fall Y'all!!

A lot has happened in the past month!  The girls are getting into everything now…Abigail is a master at crawling...everywhere…and I mean everywhere!!  And Audrey is right behind her.  Baby proofing has been a big thing this month.  We have officially baby proofed the entire house…now I'm still a nervous wreck because of the hard wood floors but I know that God is going to see us through!!
The girls now jabber back and forth to one another and everyone we meet in their own language.  It is so cute…I love watching them interact.  They are learning new skills everyday.  We started feeding ourselves and we are trying to master the sippy cup, as of right now we hold the sippy cup and then throw it at each other or at the dogs.  Things are getting fun around here!!

Abigail Grace:

You love anything that you can stick in your mouth!  Bows, toys, spoons, etc., they all go in the mouth!  You love puffs…the little cereal crisps made for babies.  You also love to eat yogurt drops.  You still love to laugh at the dogs when they play.  And the newest like this month is crawling.
You hate to be away from me for very long…you are a mama's girl and I love it!  

You are on the move this month!  You've about given me a heart attack more times than I can count  because you are into EVERYTHING!  You are so funny!  As soon as I put you down in the nursery you make a mad dash for the door…you love to crawl!!  You are now more aware of your sister and you both are constantly bugging each other…taking each others toys, pacifiers, etc.  You always make me smile.  I love to listen to you giggle.  You still think everything is funny and you are my shadow…if I leave the room you think you need to go with me!  I love you more than words can express!  

You LOVE your paci…and your sister's paci!!  It is going to be a difficult day when we have to put the pacifiers away.  You also love your sister!  You are constantly looking at her and watching her every move.  You also love to watch the dogs play.  You love books!  And you love it when I sing to you…especially the song…"All aboard the Choo-choo train."  

You dislike getting your face wiped off after meals.  You hate prunes and peas still.  And you still don't like to do tummy time unless you are the one that initiates it.  

You are the funniest little girl!  You always have a big grin on your face and it has to be my most favorite of all of your expressions.  You are truly the sweetest little girl!  This month you have started to find your own independence.  You like to do things yourself without any help…like feeding yourself…it makes for an interesting clean up for sure!  You and your sister are quite a pair…you girls are always laughing.  I am so lucky to be your mama!!  

We love you to the moon and back!!  Everyday we thank God for blessing us with the greatest gifts on Earth…our girls!!

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