Life is so busy for us right now! The girls are 16 months old and looking back at old photos from last year makes me realize how fast they are growing. My how quickly time flies. Over the last 4 months the girls have learned to walk and now they are running around the seems like just yesterday I was swaddling them and now I'm lucky if I can catch them. They are always on the go! The pitter patter of their little feet brings a smile to my face.
Every day Audrey and Abby learn new things. They can now say their own names and each others name. They also say about 20 other words and are able to repeat just about anything they hear. They love to play hide and seek, usually I am the one that hides. They come looking for me around a corner, I jump out and yell "BOO" and they scream with excitement. Then they both turn around and we do it all over again.
The girls had their check-ups last month. Audrey is 25 lbs. and Abby is 22lbs. Both girls are 31.5 inches tall. They are growing like weeds! Both girls are in 18 month clothes although Audrey can wear some 24 month stuff depending on the brand. Their feet have grown too...bye-bye size 4's!!
It's been a busy year and we are loving every minute of it. Until next time...
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